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Empowering Women and  Children of Janajati and  'Untouchable' Dalits

Heart of Nepal is a grassroots movement dismantling systemic barriers faced by Nepal's marginalized Dalit community. Operating in Sipapokhare Ward 7 and Bhimtar Ward 12 of the Indrawati Rural Municipality. 


We combine holistic empowerment of children through education, nutrition, and leadership with economic upliftment of mothers via entrepreneurial self-help groups. This holistic, community-driven approach equips Dalits to break the intergenerational cycles of discrimination, illiteracy and poverty. 

Our Impact in Numbers

The Bottom Line of Our Work


Children Supported

15% of our current regular students were once dropouts.


Mid-day Meals Served


Women Financially Self-Reliant


Educational Kits Distributed


Donations Goes To Programs

Success Stories

From the People

Special Projects


Our education support directly enables over 1500 Dalit children to study in schools through school enrollment drives, educational toolkit distribution, educational expenses assistance, after-school tuition support, and academic mentoring.


We provide vocational skills training to empower the mothers of the Dalit children we support. Most of these families are below the poverty line. With the support of our staff, transformations are taking place every day.


Thanks to our Saving-Credit Groups project, women from a diverse range of backgrounds are discovering new opportunities and forging new paths. We're often moved by warm feedback from women who've benefited from this initiative and gone on to do great things.


Many underprivileged children face the harsh reality of hunger, which adversely impacts their educational journey. Our Mid-Day Meals program addresses this challenge head-on by providing fresh, nutritious meals to these children during school hours. Through this initiative, we not only nourish their bodies but also create an enabling environment conducive to learning and personal growth.


Dalit children often lack the resources to provide adequate academic support at home. To address this gap, we have established tuition classes, where children can receive additional guidance and mentorship beyond their regular school hours. 


We believe that education extends beyond the confines of classrooms and textbooks. Our vibrant Child Clubs serve as platforms for creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. These clubs provide a safe and inclusive space where children can explore their interests, develop essential life skills, and cultivate a sense of confidence and self-worth. 

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